
Announcing Monthly Paper Session

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” — Marie Curie

We are excited to announce that Monthly Paper Session is starting as of this month.

What is the goal of these sessions?

As you know OpenMined is an open-source community of developers, researchers, and writers who are interested in privacy technology and tools. There are many teams within OpenMined, whether it be library development, blog writing, community involvement, learning (from the Udacity course), design, and more. Since one of the goals of OpenMined is helping people to learn secure and private AI, we believe that following the literature is one of the crucial methods to make fast progress. As many members of the community have expressed interest in an academic paper review session, we are starting Monthly Paper Session as of this month. Here, we will have a chance to tackle a paper on privacy-preserving approaches deeply.

Are there any criteria to choose a paper?

If you want to present a paper, any paper about privacy-preserving mechanism are welcome to present. Whether it be on theory or implementation, all areas of privacy tech are welcome.

How can I attend the events?

You can be informed by joining the #community_events channel in the OpenMined Slack workspace.

If you want to present a paper…

It would be great!🤩 We really appreciate your contribution. For the presentation application, please fill the form.

💐Thanks a lot to Emma Bluemke for her editorial review.

Author: Zumrut Muftuoglu

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